RVA Richmond T-Shirt — Liberty or Death by Blake Cale


An original design by Blake Cale quoting Patrick Henry, 1775, at St. John’s Church in Richmond, VA

Made with premium quality fabric and construction.   Comfortable and wearable with a modern, fitted (not boxy) style.   It ages well and holds its shape and color over time. And the quality, clean look can even work dressed up.

How does it fit?

    • Runs true to size but leans snug and long
    • IMPORTANT: If you prefer a looser fit, please order a size up
    • Works great for women as a unisex shirt


What do we love about this shirt?

    • Sweatshop and child labor free
    • Combed ring spun cotton for softness, comfort and durability
    • Pre-washed to minimize shrinkage; Side seams for fit and stability